
About jenny

This author jenny has created 16 entries.

Google’s new Privacy Policy

New Google’s Privacy Policy is in force from March 1st, 2012. Users were provided with clear and detailed guidance regarding applying of new data privacy rules. The texts are published in Bulgarian – Rules and principles / Privacy Policy, see here: The most valuable of these rules, also called “Privacy Policy for Google”, are not so much the rules themselves. They are just legal texts synchronized with the new requirements of European legislation for protecting consumers and their legitimate

Staff leasing is fully regulated with the latest changes in the Bulgarian Labor Code

Temporary employment is a solution of a variety of operational problems associated with the workforce you needed to achieve your current and future business objectives. The necessity of rapid response upon increasing or decreasing the volume of work, or in seasonal activities or upon expanding portfolio of products and services has created a new kind of intermediary services, known as Staff Leasing. The number of companies providing these services has recently increased, following the trend of growth of temporary employment

Key issues in the website development agreement

Agreements are at the heart of every business. Unfortunately, many conduct their business without written contracts or sign contracts that freely circulate in forums, downloaded from the web, copied from somewhere,documents from known and unknown sources. This documentary confection used in contracts, often costing both sides costly cases, loss of trust and destruction of established business relations. Due to its specific subject, the website development agreements deserves special attention. The legal notes below point out some main issues that must

Challenges of e-commerce

According to data reported in the European Parliament resolution of 5 February 2009 on International Trade and the Internet (2008/2204 (INI), one out of three EU citizens conducts online purchases. This figure has increased significantly not only in Europe but also globally as a result of the general trend of steadily increasing the number and type of products and services offered via Internet. Often the law remains breathless while struggling to catch up and implement adequate laws covering rapidly developing sectors

Intellectual property protection in the Internet

Due to its digital nature, the whole Internet content (texts, images, audio and video materials) is extremely accessible and easy to copy. The copy and the original are identical in this binary environment. The biggest advantage of Internet, easy and fast dissemination to millions of users, turned into the most serious problem of IP protection. Some traditional means of legal protection in offline conditions are completely applicable in particular areas but in other areas they are inadequate for the online

The 10 most common mistakes on starting new business

Some say: BUSINESS IS A GAME. You will win or lose individual hands, but it’s what happens in the long term that matters. To avoid the disappointments during the game “Business”, here are ‘The 10 Most Common Mistakes on starting new busines’ Mistake #1 Failure to spend enough time researching the business idea Spend more time working on your business plan, which should include: research on your target market (demographics), your marketing plan, your financial projections, your business strategy, knowledge of a legal